Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Generally people don’t realize the importance and seriousness of abusing substances. Many people get involved with abusing substances from seeing their friend’s attempt the substance and think that it is ok to try the substance as well. European settlers in America knew that the Native Americans had been growing and using tobacco, they also knew that tobacco use was becoming popular in Europe and that tobacco commanded a high price (Wagner 1). Years ago tobacco trade was an importantly stressed economic concern in many of America’s colonies. This was also discussed during the American Revolution. Tobacco wasn’t always distributed as a commercial like product. As the industries improved the production of tobacco gradually increased. The cigarette industry is an example of a revolutionary change. Manufacturing and trading of tobacco products were important in British colonies. This turned into a monopoly for the British government.
In today’s society there are many stressful situations that may have major impacts that may cause a person to engage in harmful activities. He or she may be going through a devastating time whereas the individual can not handle the unbearable stress, for example he or she could possibly lose their home or job and no longer have a way financially to provide for their children. The overwhelming stress could lead someone to use drugs excessively, or abuse substances. Unless they take an appropriate approach to handle their addiction, the situation could become worse. Rehab, twelve- step programs, and even therapy are all proper ways to deal with the progressive tendencies of substance abuse.
There are multiple deaths throughout the U.S.A because of substance abusing. Many die due to abusing substances year round, decreasing the life expectancy rates. Well over 400,000 people die each year from smoking-related deaths (Wagner 28). The situation becomes an addictive issue for the individual.
This makes it difficult for the individual to break the bad habit. The individual is gradually trapped in this devastating situation. Many families can be affected financially due to one family member abusing substances, causing the family to have a death where money is needed for a funeral. Individuals under the influence generally don’t realize how affective abusing substances can be. While some have assumed that the majority, of these smokers are or will become, nicotine dependent the fact is that we know very little about the phenomenon of nicotine dependence in adolescence. After, so long of abusing nicotine one becomes addicted. When using someone begins abusing nicotine the user doesn’t realize the seriousness of becoming addicted (Wagner 27). Some may say they can easily stop abusing after they start, but after so long they become addicted. Many children have small families and depend on their parents, however if the parent is abusing a substance they youth is forced to provide on his or her own generally, destroying the family. This may lead to the adolescent following in their parents footsteps. By age eighteen approximately two- thirds of cigarette smokers regret having started smoking, one- half have already made a quit attempt, and nearly forty percent have some interest in obtaining treatment for their dependence ( Wagner 5). Many people get involved with abusing substances from seeing their friends attempt the substance and think that it is ok to try as well. A lot of people are affected on the daily bases due to abusing substance takes to break the body down. After so much of the youth becomes with drawn from the society, the economy shrinks. Different treatment groups and health centers are affective to the community. The health of many individuals are questioned, will they survive long lives after recovering form substance abuse while having damaged bodies. A study examined how tobacco use affects health status and lifestyles among low- income African American individuals in the southern part of the society (Myers 163).
The adolescent is addicted to the substance, however is going through in intervention after five years of abusing drugs. An important issue that supports the need for earlier interventions is that earlier on set of tobacco use may lead to higher ultimate levels of dependence. Interventions should be held when the abuse is first addicted. If the problem is addressed early, it is easier to overcome. So it’s the situation is taken of less people are addicted. The idea of the adolescent retrieving into intervention early is better, because the situation can be addressed before the problem becomes too hard to overcome. Many adult’s years ago didn’t depend upon nicotine and tobacco as much. However, throughout the years the increase became present toward the early two thousand’s. Adult smoking declined in the mid- nineteen eighties and leveled off in the mid- nineteen hundred’s (Wagner 7). We should figure out the method used in the eighties and the nineties, if we can possibly better it with stronger techniques. These techniques can make it whereas the rates are abolished completely. Methods used before should be used now to decrease these rates. The different groups and treatments are helping the substance abusers relapse and overcoming their situation isn’t strong enough. Although results of studies examining the relationship between co-occurring psychiatric disorders or symptoms and substance abuse treatment outcomes have been mixed, the disability associate with co-occurring psychiatric disorders highlights the alleviation of these symptoms as an important treatment target (McHugh 27). Stronger methods should be used to help the recovering abuser.
Many women tend to abuse alcohol rather than nicotine/tobacco. Most women were currently dependent on alcohol (ninety-two percent) with thirteen percent of the total sample meeting for a current drug use disorder (McHugh 28). The target for most women that abuse this substance should be in alcohol recovery. Mental illness is affecting many individuals due to substance abuse. Mental illness and substance use conditions can impact people at any age from the very young to those at older ages. Many don’t realize how addictive abusing substances can be.
Younger youth generally get addicted by seeing his or her friends doing the substance. And he or she may become interested attempt to try the substance and become addictive at a very old age from abusing the substance at a younger age (Mark 279). Substance abuse is having a major impact upon the society. More groups and treatment centers should be provided to the community instead of liquor stores and bars. The liquor stores and bars on the average neighborhood corner turned into a small treatment center. Stressful situations are causing many individuals to become addicted to abusing substances. After, so long many lives are affected such as parents and children. Rehab is generally the best way for the individual to recover and move forward throughout his or her life. Finding stronger treatments and methods would possibly decrease the number of affected families and individuals making the money used on substance abusers used for other positive things in our society.
The percentage distributing of spending by age changed from nineteen ninety-seven to two thousand three, more dollars going children and less to adults. Generally, the money should be spent on the adolescents, making it easier to destroy the addicting habits early. However, the other adults should money themselves giving them employment if not already obtained also, making activities for the user/abuser (Mark 287). In the global perspective, tobacco as a pre-occupation of cultures immediately intrudes upon epidemiological variation. In China, smoking is a social ritual, as much as an institution of tea drinking. Since the Ming Dynasty in early seventeenth century cigarettes are cheap too, and there three hundred smokers, including two-thirds of male adults. Three thousand die daily due to smoking, in which that one-third of males will die prematurely from a wide variety of cancers, such as cardiovascular diseases attendant upon smoking. Tobacco is a persistent cultural trait.
In the early 1970’s a law was enforced and distributed to the public called the Controlled Substance Act (CSA). The CSA generally permits the appropriate amount of manufacturing, importing, and possession of a substance. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) also ties in with the Controlled Substance Act. The Drug Enforcement Administration is a law enforcement agency. However this agency addresses the drug smuggling within the United States. The Drug Enforcement Administration is quite important for substance smugglers and substance abusers. If the Drug Enforcement Administration wasn’t presented to the United States many drugs and substances could be distributed and abuse. It would be even harder for substance abusers to stay sober.
It’s best for substance abusers to stay in an area such as AA or drug recovery/therapy and have a strong mind set for a few months before recovering and returning to the real world. If not the chances of relapsing would be quite high. If the approach of upcoming liquior stores are abolished, and more rehabilitation centers are created in low income areas the communities wouldn’t look so bad. While the patient is in the rehabilitation center they can better the community while also having activities to take his or her mind off of abusing the former substance. Money will be distributed in the economy for better and more positive situations such as recycling, and formulas and methods made to solltudy how to clean the pution in the air.


I. Substance Abuse Affecting Soceity's Youth.
A. Generally people dont realize the importance of abusing substances.
1. Many people get involved with abusing substances from seeing their friends attempt the substance and think that it is ok to try as well.
2. Supporting Details
3. Thesis
B. Multiple deaths throughout the USA because of Substance Abusing.
1. Explain Situation 1
2. Supporting Details
3. Justify
4. Explain Situation 2
5. Supporting Details
6. Justify
7. Explain Situation 3
8. Supporting Details
9. Justify
C. Different treatment groups and health centers.
1. Explain Service 1
2. Supporting Details
3. Justify
4. Explain Service 2
5. Supporting Details
6. Justify
7. Explain Service 3
8. Supporting Details
9. Justify
D. The different groups and treatments are helping the substance abusers get passed relapse and overcoming their addction.
1. Explain Impact 1
2. Supporting Details
3. Justify
4. Explain Impact 2
5. Supporting Details
6. Justify
7. Explain Impact 3
8. Supporting Details
9. Justify
E. More groups and treatment centers should be provided to the community instead of liquor stores and bars.
1. Explain
2. Reword thesis
3. Future outlook
4. Supporting Details
5. Justify